

Martin Lawrence Photography

My AI Created Image Gallery Blog

Posted on 19th January, 2024

I have been fascinated by AI for a good few years now but have never been threatened by it in anyway shape or form. People say that AI is 'computer generated' images so I put this to the test. I sat infront of my PC waiting for something to happen and guess what, nothing did. By using AI you have to have the same attributes to that of a great photographer. Knowledge of good subject matter, good balance, great perspective and knowing what works and what doesn't. You also have to be creative which is what every photographer has to be. You don't just turn up at a venue and press the shutter. You look for the best angle, the best light position and some great foreground interest. Using AI is exactly the same thing - knowing what to put in the forground, the balance of the image and where the light should play a part. Use all these 'photography' attributes in AI and you may well be onto an image that you can say you played a big part in creating.

My AI Created Image Gallery Blog

Where could you ever get such a cute image. I wanted three fluffy yellow chicks on a day out. They were going across a bridge so there had to be a reflection in the still water. All looking the same way as if something had disturbed them and finished off with a wooded back drop. I found this one of the hardest images to create but the most satisfying when it was finished. I'm not one of these creators who wants all types of wierd and wonderful creatures that could have never existed. I wanted to use my creativity to create possible wildlife images that may be feasible but quite frankly very difficult to obtain. 

My AI Created Image Gallery Blog

I love this type of image, they are so cute. This word will be used alot in this gallery and I make no appology for that. I am going on a 'harvest mice' workshop later in the year so hopefully I will be able to photograph something similar but until then this is my creative effort. These images that you see in My AI Created Image Gallery are all unique and do not appear anywhere else as they are created by me with a written set of instructions that no one else has used. Some images that are generated need 'tidying up' in editing software but that is no different to the majority of us photographers who use some form of software after a days shoot. I have taught hundreds of photographers and been associated with many other professionals and I can honestly say that there aren't many that post or sell there images without using a piece of software either on there phone or on the PC at home. So in this respect AI is not much different.

My AI Created Image Gallery Blog

I'm not going to show you all the images in My AI Created Image Gallery as I would like you to visit the full gallery for yourself. This is just a Blog post showing you what's possible using your imagination and a piece of software. Images like this robin on an old boot is such a beautiful image especially when you blow any of the images up to full size. They look really impressive. This robin will make a great Christmas card and in fact any type of card you wish as all my cards are blank inside for you to put on your own personal message.

I hope I have wetted your appetite and you will now go on to visit My AI Created Image Gallery to perhaps not only view the images but to consider a purchase for yourself or for a gift.

Happy browsing.

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